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Beware of magicians, they manifest anger in strange ways.

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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Tips & Tricks... (Windows XP)
>>> Task Manager >>>

In Windows XP it's a pain to get the Task Manager by Ctrl+Alt+Delete!!! (Windows XP is always a pain!!!) So for those who are familiar with Windows and know that Ctrl+Alt+Delete is best tool in Windows to End Tasks which are Not Responding, in Windows XP with Ctrl+Alt+Delete we get the Windows Security panel and after that we have to choose the Task Manager button. To get directly to the Task Manager in Windows XP, the fast way is to press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

posted by Alireza @ 11:18  

HOW TO... (Linux)
>>> Installing RPM packages >>>

The must difficult thing for a newbie after installing Linux is: Installing new softwares and programs! so must of the Linux pakages comes with RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) and I thing that it's the easiest tool to use for installing Softwares on Linux... So read it:

Installing from the command lineThe RPM program itself is run from the command line using the aptly named command rpm. You can get a quick rundown of the switches and options available to you by executing rpm without any switches. You will see a number of possible options, and this will give you an idea of everything you can accomplish with RPM.While you may never need to go beyond simple installation syntax of RPM, it’s always good to know your options. If you look near the top of the program’s output, you'll see the main switches required to install a piece of software. One of the more common methods you will find in documentation is to run rpm –ivh .
If, for instance, you just finished downloading the latest version of Yahoo! Messenger, you would move to the directory where you downloaded it and then install it using the following command:rpm –ivh ymsgr-2.61-5.i386.rpm (or maybe something like that) The i switch tells RPM that a new installation will be occurring. The v switch tells it to operate verbosely (to provide output on what is happening during the installation). The h switch tells RPM to output hash marks to indicate the progress of the installation. If you are running into problems and want more information about what RPM is doing, try adding an extra v switch. This will increase the level of verbosity and show what is being done and what files are being accessed. Behind the scenes, RPM is doing more than just installing the package’s contents onto your system. It performs a dependency check, looks for conflicts, processes any developer scripts, and keeps track of everything it did. When you look at all the steps RPM takes for any installation, it is easy to see how much help it can be. If you want to know in advance whether an installation will succeed, simply run the command with the switch –test: rpm –ivh --test ymsgr-2.61-5.i386.rpm This will run RPM through its usual installation process but will not actually install any software or make changes to your system. This is a nice feature and one that will help you maintain a clean system that's free of partial installs.

posted by Alireza @ 09:33  

Thursday, July 29, 2004
From now this weblog will only treat about computers (Hacking, Overclocking, Windows Programs, Linux management and Network security). For the first test on AMD cpu overclocking please refer to these links below on my original weblog:
1st atempt:
2nd atempt:
3rd atempt:
4th atempt:

actually the cpu (2600+ Barton with multiplier locked @ x11.5) is completly stable with FSB 190MHz and at full load (60min media converting in cpu @ 100% use) the temperature is under 60C.
posted by Alireza @ 16:52  

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