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Wednesday, June 30, 2004 |
Cyberpunk 2nd Part
Georgie was coming in smiling, but when he saw that look in Rayno's eyes he sat down next to me like the seat was booby-trapped.
"Good Morning Georgie," said Rayno, smiling like a shark.
"I didn't glitch!" Georgie whined. "I didn't tell him a thing!"
"Then how the Hell did he do it?"
"You know how he is, he's weird! He likes puzzles!" Georgie looked to me for backup. "That's how come I was late. He was trying to weasel me, but I didn't tell him a thing! I think he only got it partway open. He didn't ask about the Net!"
Rayno actually sat back, pointed at us all, and smiled. "You kids just don't know how lucky you are. I was in the Net last night and flagged somebody who didn't know the secures was poking Georgie's compiler. I made some changes. By the time your old man figures them out, well..."
I sighed relief. See what I mean about being cool? Rayno had us outlooped all the time!
Rayno slammed his fist down on the table. "But Dammit Georgie, you gotta keep a closer watch on him!"
Then Rayno smiled and bought us all drinks and pie all the way around. Lisa had a cherry Coke, and Georgie and I had caffix just like Rayno. God, that stuff tastes awful! The cups were cleared away, and Rayno unzipped his jumper and reached inside.
"Now kids," he said quietly, "it's time for some serious fun." He whipped out his microterm. "School's off!"
I still drop a bit when I see that microterm - Geez, it's a beauty! It's a Zeilemann Nova 300, but we've spent so much time reworking it, it's practically custom from the motherboard up. Hi-baud, rammed, rammed, ported, with the wafer display folds down to about the size of a vid casette; I'd give an ear to have one like it. We'd used Georgie's old man's chipburner to tuck some special tricks in ROM and there wasn't a system in CityNet it couldn't talk to.
Rayno ordered up a smartcab and we piled out of Buddy's. No more riding the transys for us, we were going in style! We charged the smartcab off to some law company and cruised all over Eastside.
Riding the boulevards got stale after awhile, so we rerouted to the library. We do a lot of our fun at the library, 'cause nobody ever bothers us there. Nobody ever goes there. We sent the smartcab, still on the law company account, off to Westside. Getting past the guards and the librarians was just a matter of flashing some ID and then we zipped off into the stacks.
Now, you've got to ID away your life to get on the libsys terms - which isn't worth half a scare when your ID is all fudged like ours is - and they watch real careful. But they move their terms around a lot, so they've got ports on line all over the building. We found an unused port, and me and Georgie kept watch while Rayno plugged in his microterm and got on line.
"Get me into the Net," he said, handing me the term. We don't have a stored opsys yet for Netting, so Rayno gives me the fast and tricky jobs.
Through the dataphones I got us out of the libsys and into CityNet. Now, Olders will never understand. They still think a computer has got to be a brain in a single box. I can get the same results with opsys stored in a hundred places, once I tie them together. Nearly every computer has got a dataphone port, CityNet is a great linking system, and Rayno's microterm has the smarts to do the job clean and fast so nobody flags on us. I pulled the compiler out of Georgie's old man's computer and got into our Net. Then I handed the term back to Rayno.
"Well, let's do some fun. Any requests?" Georgie wanted something to get even with his old man, and I had a new routine cooking, but Lisa's eyes lit up 'cause Rayno handed the term to her, first.
"I wanna burn Lewis," she said.
"Oh fritz!" Georgie complained. "You did that last week!"
"Well, he gave me another F on a theme."
"I never get F's. If yu'd read books once in a -"
"Georgie," Rayno said softly, "Lisa's on line." That settled that. Lisa's eyes were absolutely glowing.
Lisa got back into CityNet and charged a couple hundred overdue books to Lewis's libsys account. Then she ordered a complete fax sheet of Encyclopedia Britannica printed out at his office. I got next turn.
Georgie and Lisa kept watch while I accessed. Rayno was looking over my shoulder. "Something new this week?"
"Airline reservations. I was with my Dad two weeks ago when he set up a business trip, and I flagged on maybe getting some fun. I scanned the ticket clerk real careful and picked up the access code."
"Okay, show me what you can do."
Accessing was so easy that I just wiped a couple of reservations first, to see if there were any bells and whistles.
None. No checks, no lockwords, no confirm codes. I erased a couple dozen people without crashing down or locking up. "Geez," I said, "There's no deep secures at all!"
"I been telling you. Olders are even dumber than they look. Georgie? Lisa? C'mon over here and see what we're running!" Georgie was real curious and asked a lot of questions, but Lisa just looked bored and snapped her gum and tried to stand closer to Rayno. Then Rayno said, "Time to get off Sesame Street. Purge a flight."
I did. It was simple as a save. I punched a few keys, entered, and an entire plane disappeared from all the reservation files. Boy, they'd be surprised when they showed up at the airport. I started purging down the line, but Rayno interrupted.
"Maybe there's no bells and whistles, but wipe out a whole block of flights and it'll stand out. Watch this." He took the term from me and cooked up a routine in RAM to do a global and wipe out every flight that departed at an :07 for the next year. "Now that's how you do these things without waving a flag."
"That's sharp," Georgie chipped in, to me. "Mike, you're a genius! Where do you get these ideas?" Rayno got a real funny look in his eyes.
"My turn," Rayno said, exiting the airline system.
"What's next in the stack?" Lisa asked him.
"Yeah, I mean, after garbaging the airlines . . ." Georgie didn't realize he was supposed to shut up.
"Georgie! Mike!" Rayno hissed. "Keep watch!" Soft, he added, "It's time for The Big One."
"You sure?" I asked. "Rayno, I don't think we're ready."
"We're ready."
Georgie got whiney. "We're gonna get in big trouble-"
"Wimp," spat Rayno. Georgie shut up.
posted by Alireza @ 11:38 |
Saturday, June 26, 2004 |
داستاني که در آن براي اولين بار کلمه Cyberpunk بهکار رفته بوده. اين داستان را در چند قسمت برايتان خواهم گذاشت:
1St Part
Copyright © 1980 Bruce Bethke. All rights reserved.
This is the story where word 'cyberpunk' appears first time ever.
First published in AMAZING Science Fiction Stories, Volume 57, Number 4, November 1983
* * *
The snoozer went off at seven and I was out of my sleepsack, powered up, and on-line in nanos. That's as far as I got. Soon I booted and got -
on the tube I shut down fast. Damn! Rayno had been on line before me, like always, and that message meant somebody else had gotten into our Net - and that meant trouble by the busload! I couldn't do anything mor on term, so I zipped into my jumper, combed my hair, and went downstairs.
Mom and Dad were at breakfast when I slid into the kitchen. "Good Morning, Mikey!" said Mom with a smile. "You were up so late last night I thought I wouldn't see you before you caught your bus."
"Had a tough program to crack," I said.
"Well," she said, "now you can sit down and have a decent breakfast." She turned around to pull some Sara Lees out of the microwave and plunk them down on the table.
"If you'd do your schoolwork when you're supposed to you wouldn't have to stay up all night," growled Dad from behind his caffix and faxsheet. I sloshed some juice in a glass and poured it down, stuffed a Sara Lee into my mouth, and stood to go.
"What?" asked Mom. "That's all the breakfast you're going to have?"
"Haven't got time," I said. "I gotta get to school early to see if the program checks." Dad growled something more and Mom spoke to quiet him, but I didn't hear much 'cause I was out the door.
I caught the transys for school, just in case they were watching. Two blocks down the line I got off and transferred going back the other way, and a coupla transfers later I wound up whipping into Buddy's All-Night Burgers. Rayno was in our booth, glaring into his caffix. It was 7:55 and I'd beat Georgie and Lisa there.
"What's on line?" I asked as I dropped into my seat, across from Rayno. He just looked up at me through his eyebrows and I knew better than to ask again.
At eight Lisa came in. Lisa is Rayno's girl, or at least she hopes she is. I can see why: Rayno's seventeen - two years older than the rest of us - he wears flash plastic and his hair in The Wedge (Dad blew a chip when I said I wanted my hair cut like that) and he's so cool he won't even touch her, even when she's begging for it. She plunked down in her seat next to Rayno and he didn't blink.
Georgie still wasn't there at 8:05. Rayno checked his watch again, then finally looked up from his caffix. "The compiler's been cracked," he said. Lisa and I both swore. We'd worked up our own little code to keep our Net private. I mean, our Olders would just blow boards if they ever found out what we were really up to. And now somebody'd broken our code.
"Georgie's old man?" I asked.
"Looks that way." I swore again. Georgie and I started the Net by linking our smartterms with some stuff we stored in his old man's home business system. Now my Dad woudln't know an opsys if he crashed on one, but Georgie's old man - he's a greentooth. A tech-type. He'd found one of ours once before and tried to take it apart to see what it did. We'd just skinned out that time.
"Any idea how far in he got?" Lisa asked. Rayno looked through her, at the front door. Georgie'd just come in.
"We're gonna find out," Rayno said.
posted by Alireza @ 14:02 |
Thursday, June 17, 2004 |
خيلي وقت بود که روزهاي پنجشنبه نيومده بودم سر کار!!! امروز يه چيزي يادم افتاد که مدتها بود فراموش کرده بودم... از اون چيزايي که آدم قائدتا نبايد فراموش کنه... از اون موضوعات لذت بخش که گناهه اگر آدم نديده بگيره... اونم اين که غذاي روز پنجشنبه شرکت ما از بقيه روزها خيلي بهتره! |
posted by Alireza @ 13:22 |
Tuesday, June 15, 2004 |
posted by Alireza @ 21:54 |
Sunday, June 13, 2004 |
صدايي که قراره از ته چاه دربياد همون بهتر که اصلا در نياد... مختصر و مفيد اينکه اگر اينقدر حرف نزنم شايد توي زندگي موفقتر باشم! |
posted by Alireza @ 23:39 |
Wednesday, June 09, 2004 |
"تا به حال نشده بود که ما درخواستمون به تاخير بيافته!!!"
جالبه که اين جمله هاي توي اين مايه رو فقط من ميگيرم! تا حالا هميشه هيچوقت نمي شده که کاري براي هيچکس مشکلي داشته باشه ... نوبت به ما که رسيد موضوع گوزيد!!! (اي بي تربيت!!!) |
posted by Alireza @ 10:24 |
Tuesday, June 08, 2004 |
منظورم از ديروز ... امروز بود!!! |
posted by Alireza @ 00:47 |
Monday, June 07, 2004 |
راستی... امروز روز خورشيد گرفتگی توسط سياره Venus هستش... يادتون باشه يه نگاهی بهش بندازين!!! |
posted by Alireza @ 00:04 |
Friday, June 04, 2004 |
نه تو نميري داره روز به روز وضع بسکتبال من بهتر ميشه! امروز بعد از هفت هشت سال دوباره روح Drexler برگشته بود تو بدن من! يه سري حرکات گلزني بسيار از من به دور انجام دادم که خودم هم مات مونده بودم! حدود هشت سالي بود که اينطوري بازي نکرده بودم... جاتون خالي.. به من که خيلي حال داد! |
posted by Alireza @ 22:58 |
امروز رفته بودم بسکتبال... توي زمين همه خوشون رو ميلرزوندن و ميگفتن داره زلزله مياد!!! راستش اين بود که همگي داشتيم به پيش بيني هاي زلزله ميخنديديم! راستي هشتم ژوئن سياره Venus بعد از 122 سال دوباره از جلوي خورسيد رد ميشه و يه نيمچه خورشيد گرفتگي ايجاد ميکنه! (مثل يه لکه توي خورشيد) توصيه مي کنم از دست ندينش! ديگه به سن ماها قد نخواد داد بذاريم دفعه بعدش رو ببينيم!!! اين روز رو چشن Venus نامگذاري کردن! اوني که بايد حال کنه از اين خبر کلي ذوق مرگ ميشه! |
posted by Alireza @ 00:08 |
Tuesday, June 01, 2004 |
امروز برای اولين بار بعد از 9 سال کار با اينترنت Password من لو رفت... Passwordی که همه جا استفاده ميشد... اين موضوع باعث شد که:
.. تعداد هفت ID در yahoo! عوض شوند
.. تعداد پنج ID در Blogger عوض شوند
.. تعداد شش ID در gmail عوض شوند!
.. تعداد شش website در کل serverها عوض شوند!
از اون کارهای کاملا غير حرفه ای انجام دادم که نگو و نپرس! |
posted by Alireza @ 15:53 |
مجبور نيستي هر وقت جايي دعوت ميشي گاوصندوق اونجا رو منفجر کني!
>> نه بابا ربطي نداره، کلا از گاوصندوق بدم مياد... |
posted by Alireza @ 14:08 |
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